6 Signs a Pomsky is the Dog for Me
What is a Pomsky?
The Pomsky dog is essentially a smaller husky in both looks and behaviour. They are normally crossed between a Husky and Pomeranian. To know what generation your Pomsky comes from there are F numbers. For example a F1 Pomsky is the first generation and has one parent who is 100% husky and the other 100% Pomeranian. This means the Pomsky pup is 50% Husky and 50% Pomeranian.
What are Pomskies like?
This is dependant on the individual pup and a huge factor is how the puppy is raised by the breeder and socialised. In general, they are very adaptable and easily trainable under experienced hands but they do require boundaries to thrive. Like the Husky, they can be stubborn and, like the Pomeranian, they can also be needy. Some can be yappy like a Pomeranian however, some can talk like the popular husky chatting. A Pomsky tends to be a balance of both and, as long as good training is put into place from an early age, they should great dogs.
But how do you know if they are the right dogs for you? There are many things to think about and consider. With the help of some Pomsky owners we have put together six signs to help you know if a Pomsky may make the perfect dog for you.
A Pomsky is the dog for you if:

1. You're Adventurous
Do you like long walks, enjoying the outdoors? Great! Pomsky pups have a lot of energy and love long regular walks. Minimum of walking of 1 hour a day, on top of play time, is recommended for the fully grown pup.
Just like a husky, they are high-energy dogs that need their exercise. So, if you are not into long walks, a Pomsky might not be for you. If their exercise is not reaching the desirable levels they can become destructive (we don’t mean the puppy chewing time through teething).
If you love sitting in the garden playing games, exploring your local walks or going for hikes your Pomsky will definitely keep up.
2. You Have a Garden
Due to the energy levels of Pomsky dogs being high a garden helps them to stretch their legs while at home too. Just ensure it is secure as escaping your garden is another fun adventure your dog might just learn to love. A high fence with no holes they may squeeze through is ideal.
Pomskies do like to dig, if you’re someone who loves a pretty garden you may be able to section a part off for them or it’s definitely a point worth considering.
If you don't have a garden, you can make up for that by a few more walks to keep those Posmkies stretching out. Remember they are bred from a breed that loves to work, so they are not that dissimilar.
3. You Understand Their Prey Drive
They can also have a high prey drive (watch out for squirrels!). Their high prey drive may mean that you need to keep them on leads more often. That doesn’t mean they can’t live with small animals. In fact as we were told by the lovely Scarlet: “I have a pet skunk that my F1 Pomsky (50% husky) adores and often plays with! As long as introduced properly a Pomsky could happily live with other animals.”
If you're going to introduce your Pomsky to other pets: just make sure you have the correct support and training.
4. You Don’t Mind Lots of Hair, and we mean LOTS.
Another thing to consider is grooming! They have a thick double coat to keep them warm in the winter and cool in the summer, but twice a year a Pomsky will blow their coat. This means during this period your grooming sessions will be a lot longer than normal (it can take days of grooming to get all the loose fur during a blow out!).
Their coat can be high maintenance due to the amount of shedding. But if you’d like a soft pillow you can make your own, stuffed with their hair!
5. You Have Time
Pomskies are sociable so set aside time to have fun with them in every setting of life, meeting new dogs and new people! You will need to have time when you’re walking you Pomsky because of how often you get stopped by people who want to say hi to your Pomsky. That means it takes forever to get anywhere.
6. You Love The Idea of Training

Training is an on-going process (the same with every breed) however Pomskies can be quite stubborn and can become destructive and acquire unwanted behaviour if they are lacking in mental and physical stimulation. For example they might acknowledge you calling them to come in from the garden, but they’ll continue minding their own business as if you never called them.
That said most of the time Pomsky pups want to please their owner during training. They are great with kids, so patient and chilled around them and love their families; they do love their ‘pack’ over strangers, just preferring family company.
They are clever dogs that, like other dogs, need consistent and clear training. They love rewards and being clear in what you’re asking them helps them learn how to get those rewards so much quicker. Some Pomskies have even shown skills with agility!
Just to show how clever they are here is what Gemma said about her Pomsky: “They are crazy clever, Dutch knows 62 tricks and is so quick to learn, within 20 minutes usually.”

All Pomsky owners we spoke to absolutely love their dogs, even if they have high energy and high prey drives. Their love for their pack is what makes them family from the off. If your life can fit lots of walking and offering them lots of time to learn new tricks, then you may have a lot of fun having them as part of your pack.
Please Remember:
But remember, every dog is different. Every dog has their own personality, just like humans and it’s best to do extensive research into the breed before committing to a puppy, maybe even message some people on social media who own Pomskies and ask some questions. This blog is just some ‘food for thought’.
Thank you to Gemma & those on @gemmaspomskyplaydatesuk, including @cassie_the_pomsky, @pomskyrebel
For helping with the content and pictures. We are lucky to be able to ask Pomsky owners for input, so you know the information is coming from those with experience of owning a Pomsky.
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